Sylvie Aubry (*1952, lives and works in Le Noirmont)

correspondance, mars – juin 2020
Watercolour on paper, each 21 x 29,7 cm

Sylvie Aubry presents correspondance, a series of watercolour illustrations created during the lockdown. Between March and June 2020, Gilles F. Jobin decided to send emails with poems by James Sacré to people close to him. The work emerged from the correspondence between two friends, in which the poet’s words are embedded. Aubry paints over the text of the printed email with a few brushstrokes, as a kind of spontaneous response. This painterly echo makes use of the lightness of watercolour, alternating between sweeping areas of colour and swift, precise lines. These particularly expressive interventions give the poems an entirely new shape.

Sylvie Aubry is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
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