Stéphanie Baechler (*1983, lives and works in Bern and Amsterdam)

Iso I & IIII, 2019
Ceramics, acrylic, plaster, alumnium, each 39 x 53 cm

Intarsia I & II, 2019
Ceramics, porcelain, each 24 x 34 cm

In an effort to present her creative process in a transparent and open way, Stéphanie Baechler considers the packaging of her works as objects of artistic interest. In Intarsia I & II, the artist transforms the packaging foam of her ceramics into porcelain sculptures, creating works of moving material ambiguity. The realisation of these objects, which Baechler herself calls «textile porcelain objects», was strongly influenced by a stay in St. Gallen, a major centre of textile production. These objects also represent a tangible response to the increasing dematerialisation of today’s world. For Iso I & IIII, the artist has incorporated ceramic samples she has collected since 2005 into plasterboard. In a sense, she is creating personal time capsules of different creative periods in her career.

Stéphanie Baechler is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 2.2.2021