Floyd Grimm (*1993, lebt und arbeitet in Biel)

?????????????????????? (Mer?kurisumasu-shi r?rensu (Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence)), 2019
Oil on rear projection film, 173 x 230 cm

Floyd Grimm’s painting ?????????????????????? (Mer?kurisumasu-shi r?rensu (Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence)) is part of a series of works that takes on and questions Japanese and American (pop) culture. Reflections on style, authorship and the connection of new media to painting contrast with historical and social themes.

No Time to train, 2019
Oil and spray on rear projection film, 242 x 156 cm

Heads, 2018
Oil and spray on paper, 224 x 150 cm

Floyd Grimm’s intuitive paintings give rise to idiosyncratic universes with distorted, suggestively humanoid figures. In his work of hallucinatory visions, dreams or psychedelic trips, Grimm explores the imagination and the unconscious, which he gives complete free rein to in his creative process, as if a first phase of improvised painting decides on the further composition. In No Time to train, a complex network of green volutes over a swimming pool blue chequerboard pattern forms an expressive flesh-coloured silhouette. Heads, in turn, presents a disquieting self-reference of figures embedded in a building-like head. His work draws formal and thematic influences from underground culture, but is also inspired by techniques such as spray-painting, which derives from the field of graffiti.

Floyd Grimm is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 14.3.2021