Simone Haug (*1981, lives and works in Biel)

Je Moi Eux, 2020
Mixed media on fleece, 195 x 200 cm

Simone Haug realises a textile work inspired by minimalism. On the white and soft surface of the fabric, a sequence of more or less dense strokes marks a two-coloured diagonal, which is additionally emphasised by a yellow, translucent form. The sparse pictorial vocabulary of Je Moi Eux is based on subjective experiences, which are expressed in a condensed manner in the rapid and concise application of paint. The painting touches on a social dimension by exploring the connections between individuality and collectivity. Simone Haug succeeds in developing an expressive language that is as powerful as it is poetic, through a reduced colour palette and a radical design.

Simone Haug is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 18.2.2021