Géraldine Honauer (*1986, lives and works in Basel)

Missing the blue blue sky, 2018 / 2020
«Der Träumer» 1977 bronze sculpture by Ernst Suter, HD video 56’55” loop

Géraldine Honauer appropriates the specific conditions of the exhibition space for her work, with each room bringing its own spectrum of possibilities. With Missing the blue sky, the artist refers to an earlier work that she showed in 2018 at Kunsthaus Pasquart in the same space as her video work today. At the time, she borrowed Ernst Suter’s bronze sculpture Der Träumer (1977) from the Aargauer Kunsthaus, brought it to Biel and paid tribute to it in a group exhibition. The sculpture, which once looked up into the sky on the station square in Aarau, has been stored in a depot since the reorganisation of the public square. Honauer’s new video shows the dreamer’s journey from Biel back to Aarau, with the camera shot statically directed at the back of the sculpture’s head. The artist is interested in the dreamer’s view of the sky, which she granted him for a brief moment before he disappeared back into the depot.

Microorganisms in the Salle Poma, 15.11.2020
46 bacterial colonies, 10 fungal colonies

With Microorganisms in the Salle Poma, Géraldine Honauer draws a microbiological portrait. However, the artist removes the aesthetics of a visualised growth process of invisible life forms from the viewer by reducing her analysis to the details of the work. After 5 days of incubation, only isolated colonies have grown. The absence of proliferating microbial life forms could also be read as a sign of our times, the closing of art institutions and the disappearance of our audience.

Géraldine Honauer is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 1.4.2021