Alizé Rose-May Monod (*1990, lives and works in Bern and Lausanne)

I decided not to perform today (and neither tomorrow, maybe), 2019 ongoing
Velvet, cotton, filling material, each Ø 120 cm

This work by Alizé Rose-May Monod, consisting of three pillows, seems like an act of resistance against the constraints of capitalism. The profit-oriented directives of modern society invade the private sphere and create strong pressures right into sleep. In response to this, Alizé Rose-May Monod creates a space for rest. Visitors are invited to take a break from their everyday worries for a moment of sharing and reflection.

Alizé Rose-May Monod is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 16.2.2021