Nico Müller (*1983, lives and works in Basel)

Constellations (Andromeda, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Perseus, Cetus), 2020
Various coins, double-sided adhesive tape, variable dimensions

Nico Müller arranges inconspicuous installations of coins on the floor of different rooms in the Kunsthaus. With the individual coins, he recreates the arrangement of five constellations named after Greek mythology. By means of these ancient narratives, value systems and cultural norms are transmitted that contribute to the structuring of society, such as the patriarchal model. The association of these myths with celestial bodies consolidates their legitimacy by linking them to a cosmological order. However, the artist also questions the appropriation of this symbolism by nation states to establish their validity, especially through coins.

Nico Müller is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 12.3.2021