Toward Bodies (Collaboration), 2020
Performance on 7.1.2021

How can we be close to each other? Beyond the current circumstances and social distancing, A TEMPORARY ALLIANCE, consisting of Eva Marzi (*1985), Cassiane Pfund (*1993), Lucile Pochon (*1994), Ines Schärer (*1987) and Jeanne Spaeter (*1993) wants to question and embody the different ways of living together against the backdrop of feminist and decolonial theories and care ethics. Five female* bodies in an exhibition space raise their voices together to create an unexpected closeness: The bodies embrace each other without physically touching. The word is used as a powerful and therapeutic tool to weaken and rewrite dominant narratives about corporeality. Originally planned as a performance, the collective has decided to approach the topic with a video work due to the current situation. This will be published online after the «artist takeover».

A TEMPORARY ALLIANCE is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 20.2.2021