Vera Trachsel (*1988, lives and works in Biel)

Ideé fixe I-IV, 2020
Concrete, foam, acrylic, variable dimensions

It is difficult to define the medium of Idée fixe I-IV. The work comes across equally as a painting and a sculpture. Vera Trachsel likes to blur the boundaries of the definable with her paintings made of concrete in which pieces of coloured foam are embedded. In her experimental research, the artist devotes herself to the properties of the materials as well as the possibilities and limitations of the interaction between them. The creative process is an integral part of the artwork: the artist’s handling of the materiality and the changes she makes are shown in such a way that her thoughts, decisions and steps can be traced.

Vera Trachsel is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 18.3.2021