Alan Sahin (*1995, lives and works in Zurich and Biel)

23/24, 2019
Video, 5’17”

The short film 23/24 by Alan Sahin, which was shot in Biel Regional Prison, focuses on the conditions of pre-trial detention and its effects on mental health. Over the course of a whole day, a prisoner spends 23 hours in his cell, which can lead to various disorders such as insomnia, anxiety or depression. The film shows the protagonist’s face in a sequence of immediate close-ups. In this way, the viewers can feel the confining space of the cell as well as the nerves of the detainees. With the help of a SnorriCam (a camera tied around the protagonist’s stomach), Alan Sahin creates a gripping examination of the subject of psychological stress.

Alan Sahin is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 25.1.2021