Bastien Aubry (*1974, lives and works in Zurich)

From the Forever Whatever series
Effort budgétaire, 2017
Wood, acrylic, UV-cured print, inkjet print, starch-based adhesive, 100 x 125 x 4 cm

On en a une, 2019
Paper, acrylic, inkjet print, adhesive, 70 x 50 x 3 cm

Oben links in der Mitte, 2017
Wood, acrylic, UV-cured print, inkjet print, starch-based adhesive, 76 x 82 x 2 cm

Bastien Aubry’s artistic approach consists of alienating everyday objects in a playful and ironic way. His mischievous works evoke fascinating visual effects by mixing design, art history and pop culture. The series of Trompe-l’Œils Forever Whatever confounds the visual sense as it combines high-tech and low-tech techniques. Aubry uses found and painted supports onto which he glues photographs of objects, which in turn are highlighted by the contouring of inkjet printing so that the two-dimensional image surfaces give the appearance of spatiality. These works have a spontaneous and uncontrollable aesthetic that comes from improvisation.

Bastien Aubry is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
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