Ernestyna Orlowska (*1987, lives and works in Bern)

Cigarette Roses, 2017
Cigarette butts, wire, glue, variable dimensions

Ernestyna Orlowska mainly creates performances with which she moves medially between sculpture, installation and choreography. The artist explores the phenomenology of body parts, which serve her as potentially poetic material. For Cigarette Roses, Orlowska uses dozens of cigarette butts that she shapes into floral reliefs. The work evokes a strong contrast between the rose as a symbol of fragile and ephemeral beauty and the recycling of a perishable, combustible material that is considered rubbish. Here the artist creates a precarious tension between the object and subject relationship.

Ernestyna Orlowska is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 4.2.2021