Karin Borer (*1981, lives and works in Basel)

PROPS, 2020
Video loops, Prop 1: 2’48”; Prop 2: 3’17”; Prop 3: 3’29”

Karin Borer’s interest is in the relationship between people and the impact of their actions on the environment. In the three independent video loops PROPS, the artist uses excerpts from film archive material from Hollywood movies, magic shows or documentaries to create independent strands of thought that are emblematic of people’s influence on nature, material and form. Borer places the multifaceted interpretation of our living environment as well as its active shaping at the centre of the viewer’s attention. In a playful and humorous way, the artist shows, by stringing together fragmentary film sequences, how we want to dominate the laws of physics and nature and sometimes imitate them at the same time for this purpose.

is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 30.3.2021