Lea Luzifer (*1996, lives and works in Bern)

Token, 2020
Ironing beads, light switch cover, each 15 x 15 cm

signs outta galaxy, 2019
HD video installation, artificial turf, 14’36”

With her series Token, consisting of digital emblems formed from iron-on beads, framed with light switch coverings, Lea Luzifer appropriates a technique from the field of arts and crafts. The artist alters the context of mass-produced decorative light switch coverings and elevates them to picture frames. She thus shakes up the boundaries between high and low in a humorous way. The tribal symbols are also the subject of a formal experiment; in signs outta galaxy, the artist creates a new galaxy of signs by digitising drawings. By diving into a seemingly limitless world, the artist plays with form, variation and (de)materialisation.

hunter_77: WATCH THIS! unsolved mystery, 2019
HD video, sound, 7’31”

Lea Luzifer, who is interested in the mysteries of our everyday life and the enigmatic, also uses cryptic symbols in the video hunter_77: WATCH THIS! unsolved mystery. The work stages the discoveries of unknown and mysterious apparitions or even superhuman species in the forest, recorded by means of photo traps and posted on a platform by the internet community. There, the reflecting symbols and other recordings are discussed in the comment function, sometimes seriously, wildly speculating or ironically, but always accompanied by a certain voyeurism.

Lea Luzifer is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 22.2.2021