Linus Baumeler (*1992, lives and works in Biel)

Let’s call it a day, 2020
Chalk on wall, variable dimensions

Linus Baumeler creates spontaneous drawings, enriching his repertoire with unmediated thoughts as well as observations and sketches made on the spot. For the Cantonale, the artist produces the new large-format drawing Let’s call it a day on the last wall in the gallery spaces. Elements such as a thrown jacket, two single shoes, an open window or fighting dogs are distributed like fragments over the wall surface and seem to have been captured in a state of suspension. The variety of what is shown opens up the most diverse ways of reading and possibilities for narratives. Baumeler is also interested in the physical aspect of the medium of drawing. With his specially produced crayons made of luminous pigments, he creates a characteristic texture that influences the materiality of what is drawn.

Linus Baumeler is participating in the initiative «artist takeover» of our Instagram-Account:
#artisttakeover on 16.3.2021