Raphael Loosli (*1980, lives and works in Biel) & Arnaud Wohlhauser (*1992, lives and works in Basel)

The magic is still there but the sex is terrible, 2016 / 2020
Freezer, water, 105 x 82 x 61 cm

The temporality of the work The magic is still there but the sex is terrible is determined by the gradual process of water freezing. Arnaud Wohlhauser and Raphael Loosli first showed this project in 2016 at Lokal-Int in Biel. During the exhibition set-up, the freezer is gradually filled with water in layers, each time slowly forming a glittering ice surface. When you open the chest, you look at the volume of ice illuminated by the freezer’s interior lamp and the monochrome surface it forms. With the intervention created by the ritual layering, the two artists explore the cyclical aspect of time.