Lade Veranstaltungen
Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.

The concert has to be postponed due to illness. The new date will be announces soon.

Opening of the concert series CADENZA 2023 – Contemporary works and creations

The Cadenza concert series presents teachers from the Biel Music School with their ensembles. The 19th season opens in the exhibition rooms of the Kunsthaus Pasquart. The programme includes solo “Sequences” by Luciano Berio, contemporary music from France and a premiere of a composition by Lukas Vogelsang for voice, accordion, clarinet and harp.

Sequenza – compositions et créations contemporaines, CADENZA concert, 11.12.2022, 17:00

Laure-Anne Dayer – vocals
Lukas Vogelsang – clarinets
Joanne Baratta – accordion
Seline Jetzer – harp

Compositions: Berio /  Vogelsang / Ouzounoff / Ravel

Reservation required

Adults: CHF 25.-
AHV, students, youths from 16 years, pupils MS Biel (adults): CHF 20.-
Pupils MS Biel (children & youth) and children: free