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Diploma festival – MA CAP

Bern University of the Arts


The Diploma festival of the Master in Contemporary Arts Practice of the Bern University of the Arts brings together works by a young generation of ambitious artists keen to experiment. The artistic approach of the graduates is manifested in different media such as performance, video, installation, painting, literature or music and focuses on current issues.

The Interlaced Festival takes place at various locations in Biel/Bienne. In the Kunsthaus Pasquart, Le Singe, Espace Libre, La Voirie, in the stairwell and the Alte Krone attic, 23 graduands will explore the field between fine arts, sound arts, performance art and literature in the form of an exhibition, performances, readings, sound installations and concerts.

Master Contemporary Arts Practice Diploma students 2022:
Lejla Bajrami, Stefano Benini, Silvan Birkner, Mercedes Borguńska, Aglaia Brändli, Ruth Buck, Arunà Canevascini, Camille Decrey, Sara Di Addezio Catella, Kevin Eason, Weronika Grzes, Samuel Haettenschweiler, Mona Louisa-Melinka Hempel, Laura Mietrup, Aurélien Perdreau, Charles Wrapner, Tobias Rüetschi, Paula Sanchez Mugas, Lilian Schütz, Murat-Mevlana Temel, Samuel Trümpy, Linda Wunderlin, Karel Ziehli

Ongoing information about the festival programme and the artists can be found on our festival page:

Mélanie Meystre; Caroline Singeisen, Ausstellungsansichten / vues d’exposition / exhibition views (Montage), Diplomfestival / Festival des arts, Kunsthaus Centre d’art Pasquart 2021; Foto / photo: Ruben Wyttenbach