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JOS DE GRUYTER & HARALD THYS – Impressions de Biel
15 September 2024 – 24 November 2024
Impressions de Biel
15.9.–24.11.2024, Opening: 14.9.2024, 5pm
The Belgian duo Jos de Gruyter (*1965) & Harald Thys (*1966) take over the large Salle Poma, conjuring up an eerie, nightmarish world of strange creatures. In recent years, the two artists have worked a lot with models or dolls. These scraped, assembled objects play a central role in their artistic practice: they are the remnants of a complex human existence and, if they are lucky, find their last stop in a dusty second-hand shop before they wither away completely. All the works on display at the Kunsthaus Biel are interconnected and function like an old automated Swiss clock programmed according to a coded script.
With the supprot of Flanders State of Art and gallery /DuflonRacz/Bern.