Performance Caroline Profanter – SOLO / MUTE / PAN
22 September 2022, 18:30 – 19:30
As part of the exhibition SOLO / MUTE / PAN, Olga and Laurent are organising four residencies of artists working at the intersection of music and sound art. During a three-day residency at the Kunsthaus, these six guests* work on, intervene in or expand a part of the sound system installed for the exhibition. Each residency finishes with a performance and leaves a noticeable trace in the composition created by Olga and Laurent.
Caroline Profanter
Caroline Profanter (*1985 Bozen; lives in Brussels) studied computer music and electronic media at the MDV in Vienna and acousmatic composition at the Royal Conservatory in Mons. She composes acousmatic pieces for loudspeaker orchestra and realizes free and structured live improvisations that mobilize analog electronics, computer, voice and instrument. She focuses on the interaction between organic and synthetic sound forms.