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Study Group on Relational Ecology

Meeting Mi / me / Wed 26.6.2024 (eng)

Study Group on Relational Ecology organised by Bern Academy of the Arts HKB
17:00–18:00 Apéro
18:00–20:00  Study Group session with Monica Ursina Jäger

The study group program will take place within the framework of «Plankton Ecosystems», a ProHelvetia Synergies project organised by Riikka Tauriainen in the context of the EcoArtLab at the Bern Academy of the Arts. Rather than seeing research as an isolated practice, the focus is on participatory and collective learning and reflecting on these encounters. The idea is to share our practices in order to gain new methodologies, perspectives and approaches, and to forge networks of common ground. The connecting element is an interest in ecological issues and social justice in transdisciplinary practices.

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