Kunsthaus | Kunsthaus Collection | Photoforum | Kunstverein | Filmpodium Biel | espace libre

    CHF 29.00
    Author: Dolores Denaro
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publisher: Verlag für moderne Kunst
    Location: Nürnberg
    Year: 2009
    Language: dt/fr
    ISBN: 978-3-86984-005-0
  • Out of stock
    Author: Caroline Nicod
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2008
    Sold out
  • Urs Dickerhof

    CHF 48.00
    Authors: Dolores Denaro, Francesco Micieli
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
     Publishing: Edition clandestin
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2008
    Details: 176 Pages
    Language: dt/fr
    ISBN: 978-3-905297-21-8
  • Isabelle Krieg

    CHF 15.00
    Author: Dolores Denaro
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publishing: Edition clandestin
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2007
    Language: dt/fr
    ISBN: 978-3-905297-17-1
  • Surréalités

    CHF 29.00
    Authors: Elza Adamovicz, Dolores Denaro, Eugène
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publisher: Verlag für moderne Kunst
    Location: Nürnberg
    Year: 2007
    Details: Hardcover
    Languages: dt/fr
  • Stefan Banz

    CHF 29.00
    Author: Dolores Denaro
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publisher: Verlag für Moderne Kunst
    Location: Nürnberg
    Year: 2006
    Format: 19,5 x 22.5 cm
    Details: 120 pages, 107 color photos, hardcover
    Language: dt/fr
    ISBN: 3-938821-29-9
  • Unter 30 IV

    CHF 10.00
    Editors: Dolores Denaro,  Art Centre Pasquart; Toni Stooss
    Year: 2006
  • Publisher: Architekturforum
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2005
    Sold out
  • Author: Dolores Denaro
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Year: 2006
    Language: German, French
    ISBN: 3-907638-15-8
    Sold out
  • Ruedy Schwyn

    CHF 16.00
    Author: Dolores Denaro
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publisher: Edition clandestin
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2006
    Language: German, French
    ISBN: 978-3-905297-15-9
  • Eric Lanz

    CHF 20.00
    Authors: Dolores Denaro, Lysianne Léchot-Hirt, Sabine Maria Schmidt
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publisher: Edition clandestin
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2005
    Details: 64 Pages, Continuous with color illustrations,brochure
    Language: dt/fr
    ISBN: 3-907638-11-5
    Price: CHF 20.-/ Euro 14

    CHF 29.00
    Author: Dolores Denaro
    Editor: Art Centre Pasquart
    Publisher: Edition clandestin
    Location: Biel
    Year: 2005
    Format: 170 x 225 mm
    Details: 168 Seiten, durchgehend farbig illustriert, gebunden mit Fadenheftung
    Language: dt/fr
    ISBN: ISBN 3-905297-10-8